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A model for building resilient and sustainable aquaculture


NDF has approved a EUR 5.0 million grant for Aquaculture and Climate Change in Mozambique

The project will assist Mozambique to pilot and develop a sustainable aquaculture model to build social, economic and environmental resilienee, improve cross-sectorial coordination and disseminate best practices in Mozambique and in the region through private sector involvement. The approach would be linking smallscale producers to large private operators through a community-based out-grower scheme. It is consistent with the country’s green economy roadmap.

Aquaculture is projected to increase substantially in Africa during the next decades. As a means to ensure sustainable growth in aquaculture, it is important to develop and pilot methods that are in line with an ecosystem-based approach, to integrate climate change adaptation and mitigation into the methods and maintain a gender focus.

The project will form part of the forthcoming regional South West Indian Ocean Fisheries Governance and Shared Growth Programme (SWTOFish) which will, among other things, work with national fisheries institutions to establish co-management regimes in different parts of the region and to support aquaculture development, and is closely linked to the existing NDF fisheries and climate change project NDF C50.

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The overall objective is to strengthen Mozambican capacity for management of resources and to reduce poverty among coastal artisanal fisheries of Mozambique supported by policies and institutions at national, provincial, district and local levels.


The primary objective of the project is to develop and pilot an integrated aquaculture model for building social, economic and ecosystem resilience to climate change in selected Mozambican coastal communities involving the private sector. The aim is to replicate it nationally and in the region and involving the private sector.