ADB and NDF signed a co-financing agreement
The co-financing agreement for the Pilot Project to Test the Climate Change Benefits of Biochar was signed
Ms. Sujata Gupta, Officer-in-Charge at the Office of Cofinancing Operations of ADB, Mr. Pasi Hellman, Managing Diredtor of NDF and Leena Klossner, Deputy Director at NDF signed, on September 12 2013 in Manila, a co-financing agreement for the Pilot Project to Test the Climate Change Benefits of Biochar.
The Pilot Project to Test the Climate Change Benefits of Biochar, is an add-on component to an on-going Strategic Program for Climate Resilience (SPCR) project, Mainstreaming Climate Risk Management in Development, lead by ADB. The project objective is to pilot-test, in three agro-ecological zones of Nepal, biochar production as a climate change adapting soil amendment, carbon sequestration method, and rural energy source in Nepal.