Nordic Leadership
The Nordic countries have made strong commitments to climate work and agreed to use the common Nordic voice to support and work for the international community to meet the goals of the Paris Agreement. This commitment translates to considerable Nordic leadership in the area of combatting climate change.
As a climate-focused joint Nordic institution, we can further support and promote the joint Nordic commitment to the climate work, the Nordic development policy agendas through assisting in closing identified financing deficits in priority areas or cross-cutting areas, such as in increased adaptation financing and accelerating progress in gender equality.
What is the objective?
We strive to mobilise public and private support for climate and development areas that are underserved and those that rank as a high priority on the Nordic countries’ climate and development agenda. By highlighting high-need sectors and concentrating knowledge-building and financing on their development, we look to improve the strategic partners’ ability to design, implement and scale replicable solutions, contributing to creation of sustainable, inclusive and climate-resilient societies.
In addition to our strategic partnerships with global actors, we are well-placed to support collaboration opportunities and partnerships with other Nordic institutions, including the bilateral development finance institutions as well as the bilateral development aid agencies. Such collaboration has the potential to advance the Nordic agenda more broadly in the world.
NDF seeks to:
mobilise action and visibility around Nordic priorities in climate and development;
strengthen synergies with Nordic financing organisations, IFIs and Nordic institutions for an enhanced global impact;
strengthen and effectively implement initiatives within the Nordic climate and development policy agenda;
contribute to thought leadership on Nordic priority areas.
Photo credit: Otto Helkama