Climate Change and Sustainable Cities [NDF C40]
The main objective of this project is to support climate strategy and climate change project identification in cities in three countries of the Latin America: Honduras, Nicaragua and Bolivia
Latin America
Climate Change and Sustainable Cities
Ref: NDF C40
EUR 2.1 million
Project period: 2012-2016
Partner agency: Inter-American Development Bank
Project completed in September 2016. Actual disbursed amount EUR 2,099,184.84.
The main objective of this project is to support climate strategy and climate change project identification in cities in three countries of the Latin America: Honduras, Nicaragua and Bolivia. To this end, the project will develop and implement a methodology that will allow cities to: (i) identify vulnerabilities to climate change and prioritize the necessary actions to respond to their consequences; (ii) estimate greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) in cities and identify and prioritize the sectors and activities that will contribute most in reducing them; and (iii) develop Action Plans for three cities in the region (one each in Honduras, Nicaragua and Bolivia). These Action Plans will incorporate the findings obtained in the methodology development process, with emphasis in the identification of feasible investment projects in climate change adaptation and mitigation in these cities.
Total cost of the project will be EUR 2.6 million, of which NDF will provide EUR 2.1 million, and Inter-American Development Bank EUR 0.5 million.
NDF Contact
Program Manager Aage Jørgensen
Telephone +358 10 618 002